1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Both
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? colors
4. Do you hang mistletoe? no
5 . When do you put your decorations up? Day after turkey day
6. What is your favorite holiday dish? Turkey or Ham
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? Since I was a kid I have always loved going to my aunts on my dads side. Dad has 4 brothers and 4 sisters and they all come and bring their kids so I love being around the huge family.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? When mom let me put out the santa presents for my little sisters when I was 10.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Always
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? Purple and silver and heirloom ornaments.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Dread it until its just on the grass, I hate it on the streets.
12. Can you ice skate? yes
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? My grandma gave me a ceramic eagle figurine 5 years ago from her own collection.
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Being with family.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? apple pie
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? putting up the tree
17. What tops your tree? an angel
18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving? giving
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? Oh Holy Night
20. Candy Canes, like them or hate them? Like them!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Holiday Spirit
Only Always posted by Arielle at 6:53 PM 1 comments from beautiful people!
Label: life
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Only Always posted by Arielle at 11:59 PM 0 comments from beautiful people!
Label: life
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tuesday Twos
1. What two things are you most thankful for?
My family and getting rid of cancer
2. What are two things you like about Thanksgiving?
Eating turkey and family interaction
3. What two foods do you like the most for Thanksgiving dinner?
Turkey and Green bean casserole
4. What two things do you do with the leftovers?
Turkey noodle soup and turkey sandwiches
5. What are two activities you do after eating Thanksgiving Dinner?
dishes and play board gamesI can't wait to do all this Thanksgiving stuff with the family this year. We are going to my friend's house Thursday and then my family will be here Friday evening and our Turkey day will be Saturday. Going to be busy looking for preschools and trying to get one of the cars fixed tomorrow.
Only Always posted by Arielle at 11:34 PM 2 comments from beautiful people!
Label: Random
Monday, November 20, 2006
Simple Pleasures MeMe
When was the last time you _______________?
1. Took a bubble bath? I think I was still pregnant and we were in our old apartment. It must have been June or early July.
2. Watched a sunrise or a sunset? When I was in high school I watched the sunset once and in college I watched it rise.
3. Stopped to smell a flower? In April when I got lots of flowers after surgery.
4. Gave a friend a present for no reason at all? I gave my friend Sara a handmade mini book just cause last month.
5. Treated yourself to dinner at your favorite restaurant? Back when I was still pregnant we went to Olive Garden.
If you read this, you have to post it on your blog with your answers, then comment me and leave me the link to your blog, unless you are already in my links.
Only Always posted by Arielle at 7:45 PM 0 comments from beautiful people!
Label: Random
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Cute stuff Saturday
Only Always posted by Arielle at 10:12 PM 1 comments from beautiful people!
Label: life
Friday, November 17, 2006
Woo Hoo its Friday!
Well Mario didnt win Dancing With the Stars. He maybe wasn't as entertaining or funny as Emmitt Smith, but I think his footwork and Dance moves were much better. He is just so cute.
He sure entertained me this whole season and every week he just got better and better. I am dying to know if he and Karina are dating now. I think they should and they will be a great couple.
Tuesday's Nip/Tuck was bland. It was kinda funny to see how everyone could end up in the future, but I didnt get to see Christian's ass and that is all that matters.
I have to go watch Gray's Anatomy and ER that I Tivo'd last night. Don't spoil it for me, I am dying to watch as it is. The same goes for Medium and the new show DayBreak. I have a lot to catch up on.
We have a busy weekend coming up. Batman's best friend is coming up to hang with us for the weekend. I dont know if he will be here tonight or tomorrow.
We are also thinking about getting into the new Lord of the Rings MMO if it ever comes out. We already play World of Warcraft and we are waiting until January to see if we will buy the expansion. It is a great game. Batman started playing it when it came out and then he got me to play finally and we spend a couple evenings a week playing with people from all over the world. I am a kickass player too thanks to Batman.
Well time for lunch. Have a good weekend! I dont know if I will get a chance to blog if we have company, but I'll try!
Only Always posted by Arielle at 12:06 PM 1 comments from beautiful people!
Label: life
Thursday, November 16, 2006
4 months
My baby is four months old. He had his check up today and weighed 14 pounds and 13 ounces. He is also now 25 inches tall. Big difference from 6 pounds, 11 ounces and 18 inches.
He is rolling over like crazy right now. Just from front to back so far, but he is close to going both ways.
My kids are just so cute, if I do say so myself and I have to share them with you yet again.
Only Always posted by Arielle at 9:32 PM 1 comments from beautiful people!
Label: life
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Superman feels Sucky
Well Arik got his immunizations yesterday. Sometimes I wonder if it is really important to put our babies thru all this pain. Is it really necessary?
He has been kinda grumpy today and refuses to sleep much. He did good and was all tough and didnt cry until the third shot. So insane that they do one at a time. He got a total of four.
He is needing comforting again so I will leave you with a pic of him for today. Tomorrow I will let you know if I am happy with the results of the last Dancing with the Stars episode of the season. And Arik's 4 month check up is tomorrow too, so I'll update you later!
Only Always posted by Arielle at 3:27 PM 0 comments from beautiful people!
Label: life
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Some of my Christmas wishlist
Every time we go to the store or every time there is a toy commercial on TV, Spiderman says, "Mommy can I have that?" about practically everything. I always tell him to put it on his christmas list and ask Santa. Its my turn to tell santa what I want.
1. This curly wire thing from Pottery Barn to hold my scrapbook creations and some of Spiderman's artwork.
2. Pottery Barn sparked my fancy and I want this wall organizer for more scrap stuff.
3. I am never going to get this cause its so freaking expensive, but that wont stop me from wanting, The One With All 10 Seasons
4. This fabulous camera that I need is too much too: http://www.amazon.com/Canon-Digital-Rebel-XT-f3-5-5-6/dp/B0007QKN22/ref=pd_ys_qtk_wl/002-1953106-6943221
5. This bed set would be totally sweet. http://www.amazon.com/Kansas-Wildcats-Complete-Bedroom-Package/dp/B000I6W2SY/sr=1-115/qid=1163528430/ref=sr_1_115/002-1953106-6943221?ie=UTF8&s=bedbath
6. Some comfy boots. http://www.skechers.com/catalog/browse.do?function=displayProductList&gender=W&catId=-1&index=0&viewAll=false&sort=newest&prodId=18295
or these http://www.skechers.com/catalog/browse.do?function=displayProductList&gender=W&catId=1&index=1&viewAll=false&sort=newest&prodId=5104
And some HOT boots for fun http://www.skechers.com/catalog/browse.do?function=displayProductList&gender=W&catId=2&index=0&viewAll=false&sort=newest&prodId=14435&styleCode=30626
7. This is really a good deal on scrapbook mobility. http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/app.detail/walk.yah.0012~E880~E814 Not in blue or green though.
8. A few of these might get me organized too. Maybe. http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/app.detail/walk.yah.0012~E880~E814
9. I also have an Old Navy wish list....who doesnt? http://www.oldnavy.com/browse/home.do?cid=5151&mlink=9630,438095,0&clink=438095
10. And I'd love a Build a Bear GC. http://www.buildabear.com/default.aspx?sc_ppd=PS_Holiday_build_a_bear_goog
Well thats about it for now, I may add more as I think of stuff.
Only Always posted by Arielle at 11:52 AM 2 comments from beautiful people!
Label: life
Monday, November 13, 2006
Do it! Do it! ~I cant think of a good title :)
We are taking Superman for his second round of immunizations tomorrow. HE did quite well with the first round but I never want to see him in any kind of pain.
Now for my first Monday MeMe....hopefully I can find more meme topics so I can do this every week.
Nicknames:~Honey, Sis, Mommy, Babe.
Mother’s Name:~ Heidi
Father’s Name:~ Rick
Favorite Drink:~ DrPepper
Tattoos:~ Nope, but I would like one.
Body Piercings:~ I have a total of 5; four in my ears and one in my tongue.
How much do you love you job 0-10:~ 10 BABY!!!
Birthplace:~ A-town, Kansas
Favorite Vacation Spot:~ What is Vacation? We like local county fairs and amusement parks.
Solen any traffic signs:~ AM I STUPID? Who would want a traffic sign? Well back in high school me and my girls got some blinkies.
2 door or 4 door?~ 4 door
Salad Dressing:~ Italian
Favorite Pie:~ Cheesecake, does that count as a pie? lol
Favorite Movie:~ Oh so many, French Kiss is always on the list.
Favorite Holiday:~ TIE!! Christmas and Thanksgiving!
Favorite Food:~ Mexican
Favorite Day Of The Week:~ Saturday
Favorite Soap:~ Bath and Body works
Toothpaste:~The Pro-Health Cinnamon, feels so good
Smell:~ coffee lately attracts my nose, and apple pie with lots of cinnamon
What do you do to relax:~ Watch T.V. and cuddle with my hubby or my babies!
Where do you see your self in 10 years:~ Running back and forth between kids soccer games and doing something big in the scrapbook world.
What do you do when bored:~ What are you doing right now?!? Yep, that’s right you are reading my blog.. when I am bored.. I read YOUR blog!! So let me know if you read this one so I can read yours. Thanks!
Only Always posted by Arielle at 5:13 PM 1 comments from beautiful people!
Label: life
Sunday, November 12, 2006
oops I did it again
Maybe my goal will be to post at least every other day since I am not too good at the every day thing.
Well my sisters are all coming up here for Thanksgiving. And my one sister is bringing her fiancee and his 3 kids and my mom is also coming. She may be bringing her new fiancee too, I dont know yet. So that means I have to plan a dinner for 12 people. I cooked dinner 2 years ago for 5 people and that was pretty easy. Just one turkey fed everyone and the rest of the stuff wasnt too hard.
So I need some help. Send me your favorite big recipie for side dishes. I dont want to have to make 3 green bean casseroles and 10 pounds of mashed potatoes. What to do?
Only Always posted by Arielle at 7:03 PM 1 comments from beautiful people!
Label: life
Friday, November 10, 2006
Housing gripe
Oops I forgot to post yesterday. Dang. Someone give me their thyroid so I can remember stuff please!?
Well we have been in our new duplex for over two months now and still haven't gotten our deposit back from our old apartment. Rumor has it that in the state of IL, your deposit must be postmarked within 30 days of your moveout. If any money is withheld, the leasing company is required to itemize all damages and provide you with copies of all bills or receipts. If they do not refund your money or provide you with an itemize statement of how it was applied, they are required to return the entire deposit under Illinois law.
So we never liked this apartment manager anyway and I called at the beginning of October which was one month after we moved out and told them that I hadn't gotten our deposit back. The assistant manager said she had to check with the main office and she would call me back. Well 2 weeks later I called back after not hearing anything. Again she told me that the main office hadn't told her anything so she would check with them again and get back to me. Then, Halloween day I called again cause no one called me back AGAIN. This time I got to talk to the "fat bitch" aka the manager. She said she thinks the hold up is because we didnt turn in a 30 day notice. But she isnt sure so she has to talk to the main office and check our file to know for sure. And of course she will call me back. Well over a week later she has not called back. So now I think I will call her and tell her that I know what the law says. I am also looking for a housing authority or something to talk to about this.
A six hundred dollar deposit is not something that we can just let slide. Especially now that the surgery and all the doctor bill from this c-bomb are coming in.
Only Always posted by Arielle at 12:36 PM 1 comments from beautiful people!
Label: life
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Off to a good start

Only Always posted by Arielle at 1:28 PM 1 comments from beautiful people!
Label: life
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Only Always posted by Arielle at 4:36 PM 0 comments from beautiful people!
Label: Random
In Lieu of Halloween
NOTE: The following short story will either bore you or entertain you. Comments are welcome. I know I am not the best story writer, but consider it a rough draft.
I was thinking about writing my own scary movie. I ran a plot around and I could see what I wanted in my head. Its not a gory horror movie but more of a haunting spookfest. Basically

My sisters and I and our significant others are staying there and we are on the 8th floor and hear noises above us so we go

Then she leads us thru some secret passageways under the pool and then we come out in the pool room. The water in the pool turns red and the ghost girl dives in. She comes up with a

Well I think that to finish up this post I will just add some pictures of the cutest little trick or treaters. We had fun taking the boys around to collect candy. As if we needed more candy. It was a little cold but they both stayed pretty warm. Hope you all had a Happy Halloween too!

Only Always posted by Arielle at 3:13 PM 2 comments from beautiful people!
Label: Random