- Craft Your Passion Challenges http://
craftyourpassionchallenges. START HEREblogspot.com/ - Jenn http://
scraphappensembellishit. blogspot.com/ - Shannin http://
shanninscreativecorner. blogspot.com/ - Christine http://
happyscrapper-sweetpeacards. blogspot.com/ - Cathy http://creativecathy.
blogspot.com/ - Amy http://cavycouturecrafts.
blogspot.com/ - Christy http://
christyszaneycreations. blogspot.com/ - Joanna http://scrapjoanny.
blogspot.com/ - Torrey http://left-field-
studio.blogspot.com/ - Jenny http://cookieadventures.
blogspot.com/ - Doreen http://www.
doreensdream.blogspot.com/ - Jodi http://kaboodesigns.
blogspot.com/ - Lisa http://craftybunny.
wordpress.com/ - Joyleen http://scrapjoanny.
blogspot.com/ - Melissa http://
expressionswithearthspirit. blogspot.com/ - Emma http://www.
paperaddictsanonymous. blogspot.com/ - Joanne http://www.
bigislandlady.blogspot.com/ - Gemma http://
gemslittlecreations.blogspot. com/ - Lizy http://lizyshouseofcards.
blogspot.com - Joanna L http://www.mycraftingcorner-
jo.blogspot.com/ - Helen N http://craftinghelen.
blogspot.com/ - Natali justbecozoflove.
blogspot.com - Julie http://julieprice3.
wordpress.com - Helen W http://crafty-mamma-mia.
blogspot.com - Alethea http://lilodesigns.
blogspot.com - Arielle soccermom5982.
blogspot.com MINE!! You're almost there! - Lisa G lisa-scrappingspot.blogspot.
com - Jan http://scrappyscatty.
blogspot.com/ - Karen http://karensdigi.
blogspot.com - Mandy http://amandacruxton.
blogspot.com/ - Jennifer http://
justcoffeepleasestampsribbonsp aper.blogspot.com/ - Jacqui http://
thepoodlesdoodles.blogspot. com/ - Dawn http://cherrytreestudio.
blogspot.com - Roro http://rorobuildingdream.
blogspot.com/ - Allison http://allidcards.
blogspot.com - Zahreen http://splashbunny.blogspot.
com - Sarah http://sarahsassy468.
blogspot.com - Sue http://
confessionsofapaperhoarder. blogspot.com - Tracey http://craftyfox.
blogspot.com/ - Susan http://sue-craft.
blogspot.com/ - Julia http://
paperandscrapscreations. blogspot.com/ - Craft Your Passion Challenges http://
craftyourpassionchallenges. blogspot.com/
This adorable little snowman is from Crafty Sentiments. I also used the Liquid Applique on his hat and the snow and even the tree. And Smooch on his body, Stickles on his fur. I cut the back squares with my Cricut and also the pretty shaped square with a sticker for the sentiment.